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Project name: 9500 tons ChuBeiCang standardization construction projects. Construction contents: covers an area of 3.1 mu, storage warehouse 1, for 48 m x 43 m, the total storage, 9500 tons of bulk grain height 6 m, wall adopts brick structure, roof waterproof level to level 2, fortify water coil and two waterproof waterproof mortar, ground and wall of coil moistureproof layer. The construction of water supply and drainage, electric power communication facilities, etc. Technology: 1, to rational inspection, measuring, clean up after into the warehouse storage, the warehouse bulk grain warehouse after inspection, measurement or packaging issue outbound into the car. 2, the design of the warehouse delivery process system include: bulk grain, food packaging auto receive homework, the warehouse bulk grain loading for cars, and part of the packaging food distribution operations. Major equipment: conveyor, cleaning sieve, fan.,项目名称:年产1500公斤食用菌香菇种植基地建设项目 建设主要内容:该项目2000亩,总建筑面积4200平方米,建设办公住宿用房1000平方米;食用菌制种、加工车间、仓库及辅助用房3000平方米;培育室200平方米。在林地建设香菇种植大棚1500座,种植基地达面积1500余亩,基本不占用粮食耕地,种入香菇菌棒750万棒,年产香菇1500万公斤。工艺技术:将原材料加工装袋后,植入母种,放入种植大棚,适时,按时采摘,及时收购,分级包装,进行销售。主要设备:拌料机、装袋机、刺孔机、温控设备、监控设备。香菇种植实行规模化发展、化生产、产业化经营,采用合作社+基地+农户的,为合作社社员及周边农户提供示范、技术、培训、指导、收购、销售等服务。该项目在林下种植,香菇菌棒利用后适合生产饲料和肥料,实现资源循环利用。 Project name: 100000 m3 asphalt mixing processing projects. Construction of the main content: using the original idle workshop, revitalize the existing assets, a construction of asphalt mixing production lines, processing asphalt 100000 m3, the main process: feeding to heat, stirring to discharge, transport; Major equipment: mixer, forklift truck, truck, etc., good market prospects.。


项目名称:年产200器人及600套精工模具项目,建设主要内容:年产及研发应用200器人、600套精密模具。 新建厂房16000平方米,研发中心及办公楼3000平方米。工艺技术:采用三轴自适应、高刚性、、结构, 高速加工中心、精密数控车床等制造和试验设备,制造各种高精密的机械零部件、工装夹具、和柔性抛磨集成,机器人的精密性和可靠性。主要设备:数控车床、数控铣床、加工中心、自动化调试联动及附属设备等,市场前景广阔。,项目名称:旧城改造项目建设主要内容:该项目位于洛宁县城关镇,对现有土地上的房屋进行改造。总面积3672.41平方米,总建筑面积约5600平方米,建设四层商业综,新增商户160 余户,市场前景良好。 ,备案的年产2000吨有机肥项目,(1)项目不属于核准的投资项目目录(2)项目符合《河南省企业投资项目。






济适用房通过免收土地出让金、减免配套费,了售价,确保中低收入家庭有房可买。 住房保障的和, 从为低收入者提供




Project name: annual output of 1 million tons of cement grinding station technological upgrading projects. Construction main contents: the original annual output of 1 million tons of P.c 32.5 R and P. 042.5 cement grinding production line relocation within renovation (after the completion of the project, the original 1 million tons of production capacity unchanged), a new production workshop, warehouse and other ancillary facilities, with a total construction area of 10500 ㎡. New purchase two Φ 3.5 * 13 m ball mill to replace obsolete Φ original 2.8 * 13 m ball mill, and the classifier, crusher, packing machine, dust collector and other related equipment technical reform. Buy high quality cement clinker, adopts crushing, micro abrasive, grinding, homogenizing, packaging to the finished product production process, etc.,备案。备案。。

项目名称:年出栏2000头生猪项目。建设主要内容:面积8亩,建筑面积4000平方米,计划建设年出栏2000头生猪项目,主要设备:无塔供水设备、产床、保育栏、风机等。,Project name: annual output of 12 million sets of furniture fittings. Construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 22 acres; 3 construction of workshop buildings, warehouse 1, building 1, and other facilities, building area of 13000 square meters. Technological process: 1, the aluminum furniture fittings: raw material (aluminum) - cutting, CNC numerical control machining, polishing, bending, assembly, packaging, warehousing; 2, plastic furniture accessories: raw materials (ABS) - injection molding machine selection - mould and gate design to melt temperature, injection speed and back pressure, residence time and finished products; Main equipment: CNC CNC machining center, aluminum cutting machine, polishing machine, injection molding machine, bending machine, drilling machine, etc., products are mainly used for integral kitchen, wardrobe, bathroom and other supporting, wide prospect of market.。

Project name: annual output of 350 tons of pastry construction projects. Construction of the main content: the project use workshop, workshop and other ancillary facilities area of 2100 square meters. Manufacturing process: raw materials purchased (flour, sugar, cooking oil, etc.) - ingrents - and - molding - Fried, sorting packing, inspection, warehousing. Major equipment: dough machine, forming machine, oven, packaging machine, etc. The project after the implementation of annual output of 350 tons of pastries. Good market prospect.,备案。,项目名称:医养托老护理中心项目,建设主要内容:新建2栋大楼和2栋老年公寓,建筑总面积1.5万平方米,设计床位800张,配置员工150人,引进美国GE1.5T核磁共振、德国进口128排CT等设备180台(套)。企业名称:平顶山市豫中情防水材料有限责任公司经核查,你单位申请。







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@2009-2024 京ICP证100626