咨询服务工程项目咨询南京本地做控制性规划设计方案 免费发布工程项目咨询信息


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  • 可行性研究报告,项目建议书,概念性规划设计,商业计划书

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2020年10月24 日:南京本地做控制性规划设计方案。项目名称:新型建材有限公司年产6000万块煤矸石烧结砖项目,建设主要内容:本项目建设新型清洁能源环保型窑,并非淘汰类的土砖窑。 该项目20亩,其中窑建筑面积1073平方米,办公室、餐厅建筑面积150平方米,砖机房建筑面积2000平方米。 工艺技术:原料粉碎—陈化处理—挤出成型—干燥与焙烧—成品检验、包装入库。 主要设备:破碎机、搅拌机、布料机、挤砖机、自动切条切坯机、自动码坯机,自动装载机。,Project name: annual output of 10000 tons of spinning technological upgrading projects. Construction main content: the project depends on the company's existing annual output of 10000 tons of spinning production line technical renovation and transformation contents mainly include: to eliminate the original pure flower machine, carding machine and drawing frame, roving frame, such as equipment, new foreign testing machine, automatic carding carding machine, high speed and energy-sing and high-speed frequency conversion and roll machine, variable frequency high-speed drawing frame, roving frame, high speed and energy-sing and the roller of the original frame of cradle and energy-sing motor transformation, the original automatic winder with electric frequency upgrade, etc. After equipment modification, a year can se electricity 4 million degrees, ses the cotton 200 tons, 50 can solve rural college students, increase the worsted cotton varieties, 16, will further enhance product quality and output, has good economic benefit and environmental benefit.。


Project name: the amount of 1000 pigs and construction projects. Construction contents: 700 square meters, the piggery feed warehouse 200 square meters, 80 square meters of office space, a large pool, wet and dry separator, a delivery room of 260 square meters, conservation of room 280 square meters; Water and electricity lines, etc. Raw material grinding, mixing, feeding, epidemic prevention.,备案内容如下:一、建设:扶沟县崔桥镇四村二、建设主要内容:建设规模为年产28万立方商品混凝土。项目主要新上120型商砼生产线一条及水泥储藏罐、原料库、磅房、化验室、办公室、住宿用房等,总建筑面积2000 平方米;工艺技术:外购原材料--入仓--预混--检测检验--入罐车--销售;主要设备:商混机1套、搅拌运输车、30型铲车、37米泵车及消防、环保设备等。三、建设起止年限:2016年12月 至 2017年06月四、总 投 资:2500万元 ,其中: 企业自筹2500万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。企业名称:漯河市纯恋食品有限公司经核查,你单位申请,Project name: 9500 tons ChuBeiCang standardization construction projects. Construction contents: covers an area of 3.1 mu, storage warehouse 1, for 48 m x 43 m, the total storage, 9500 tons of bulk grain height 6 m, wall adopts brick structure, roof waterproof level to level 2, fortify water coil and two waterproof waterproof mortar, ground and wall of coil moistureproof layer. The construction of water supply and drainage, electric power communication facilities, etc. Technology: 1, to rational inspection, measuring, clean up after into the warehouse storage, the warehouse bulk grain warehouse after inspection, measurement or packaging issue outbound into the car. 2, the design of the warehouse delivery process system include: bulk grain, food packaging auto receive homework, the warehouse bulk grain loading for cars, and part of the packaging food distribution operations. Major equipment: conveyor, cleaning sieve, fan.。















备案内容如下:一、建设:南阳市建设西路(建材大)二、建设主要内容:本项目总用地面积28868.83平方米,总建筑面积150801.73平方米。整个项目分四期进行实施。主要建设内容:高层住宅4栋、商业用房、地下车库、幼儿园等。同时建设广场、绿地、市政管网、消防卫生及垃圾处理等配套基础设施。关于南阳市中心城区商品住房项目配建保障性住房的要求,按照宛政201440号文件及保障房配建政策执行。三、建设起止年限:2016年10月 至 2020年09月四、总 投 资:13000万元 ,其中: 企业自筹13000万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。企业名称:河南东畅实业有限公司经核查,你单位申请,Project name: annual output of 40000 tons of concrete construction project. Construction of the main content: the project rent the original factory area of 5000 square meters, producing 40000 tons of concrete production line. Technology: outsourcing of raw materials (grel, cement), stirring, finished goods, shipment. Major equipment: concrete mixing tower and so on.,备案内容如下:一、建设:商城县东叉河北岸二、建设主要内容:该项目面积17277㎡。主要建设商品住房27643㎡及配套基础设施。项目分两期建设。三、建设起止年限:2016年10月至2018年12月四、总投资:3400万元,其中:企业自筹3400万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。。

Project name: 10000 cases of semi-solid seasoning project. Construction main content: the project to rent the original land 1.3 mu, building area of 328 square, including production workshop, office, warehouse construction, the main construction of annual output of 10000 cases of semi-solid seasoning. Technology: raw materials mixing a heating pasting a seasoning, hot filling packaging a finished product warehousing; Major equipment: electric heating pot, filling machine, mixing cylinder, sealing machine, etc.,Project name: eat hutch waste recycle and disposal project. The project content: the total investment of 65 million yuan, the project covers an area of 50 mu, building area of 17400 square meters, office area of about 2000 square meters, production workshop about 12400 square meters, warehouse and other supporting facilities of about 3000 square meters). For processing 36500 tons of eat hutch waste; An annual output of 1752 tons of organic fertilizer, 1095 tons of crude oil, gas, 2.74 million. Project process use of two phase anaerobic digestion technology of wet processing of eat hutch waste.。

备案的开封穗穗良调味品有限公司年产300吨食醋项目,符合《产业结构指导目录》(2011年本)类鼓励类一农林业第三十二款农林牧渔产品储运保鲜、加工与综合利用,准予,备案。,Project name: endowment service projects. Construction of the main content: the project use of construction land, endowment apartment building about 14000 square meters, the dining area about 1200 square meters, the health care area about 200 square meters, the leisure fitness area about 1000 square meters, greening of about 1000 square meters, office facilities of about 400 square meters. After the completion of the project can provide endowment about 1100 beds, offer jobs to more than 30, the market prospect is good.。





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  • 河南 郑州
  • 私营有限责任公司
  • 2012-05-09
  • 人民币5000万
  • 51 - 100 人
  • 工程项目咨询
  • 工程管理,工程咨询,规划设计,节能评估
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