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可行性研究报告,节能报告,概念规划设计,项目建议书 |
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2020年10月31 日:绍兴嵊州编写产业专项发展规划。Project name: annual output of 1500 tons of starch products, 1500 tons of canned project. Construction of the main content: the project rental sites about 3 acres, is not a new land expropriation. Technology: 1, starch products: local wheat starch as a raw material, through the powder, extrusion molding, drying, packaging warehousing; 2, canned: local bran, edible fungus as raw materials, such as the section - flor -- - bottling or bagging, sterilization, finished product packaging warehousing. Major equipment: the powder machine, extrusion molding machine, dryer, packing machine, stainless steel cutting machine, stainless steel mixer, vacuum packaging machine, sterilization pot, sealing machine, and test equipment.,项目名称:年产1500万平方米饰面刨花板项目建设主要内容:主要建设内容:建设三座厂房;建设规模:建设十条饰面刨花板生产线;工艺技术:装饰纸-高温高压压贴-刨花板成品;主要设备:6*8英尺全自动生产线一条、5*8英尺全自动生产线一条、4*8英尺全自动生产线三条。
Project name: annual output of 500000 pieces of women's intelligent automation production line project. Construction contents: automatic production workshop, intelligent automation equipment production lines, covers an area of 8400 square meters, construction area of 33600 square meters, including fabric preshrinking, cutting workshop, sewing workshop, testing workshop, finishing workshop, to achieve the scale of annual output of 500000 pieces of haute couture. Technology and process: the project design using the latest production technology, including: clothing design - proofing tailoring - subcontract test pieces - sewing - small hot - sewing - washing dry - lock pin buckle - finishing - quality - packaging warehousing. Major equipment: automatic cutting bed, automatic machine, automatic suspension system, the Japanese computer flat car, electronic round head keyhole machine, Japan set of knot machine, electronic nailcatcher machine, flat sewing machine, washing machine, drying machine, CNC cutting machine, etc.,备案内容如下:一、建设:洛阳工业产业集聚区二、建设主要内容:该项目11.3亩,建设厂房及配套设施5500平方米,建设年产1000吨矿山设备及配件;工艺技术:购进毛坯件→粗车→精车→检验→装配→交货;主要设备:数控车床,镗床,钻床,刨床,立式车床等。三、建设起止年限:2016年08月至2017年05月四、总投资:2865万元,其中:企业自筹2865万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。,项目名称:年产50万件懒人沙发、折叠椅等家具项目。建设主要内容:年产50万件懒人沙发项目,30亩,建设厂房、仓库、办公房及附属设施等建筑面积21000平方米,以外购高密度钢管、集成钢材、新型高压装饰板、布料等为原料,采用化生产工艺通过剪切、缝纫、焊接进行生产,主要设备有剪切机、封边机、电焊机、缝纫机等,产品主要有懒人沙发、多动能折叠椅等,应用于旅游、居家、办公等行业,具有广阔的市场空间。。
Project name: annual output of 10000 pieces (sets) of solid wood furniture project. The construction of the main content: the total construction area of 39785.59 square meters, the main construction four production workshop, each with a construction area of 8332.3 square meters; In a building, office building construction area of 2791.77 square meters. Article 2 the new solid wood furniture production line. Technological process: from design to place the order - cutting - type milling and drilling to punch, batch of gray - primer - oil mill to finish to repair the color, packing and warehousing. Major equipment: push Taiwan saw, electronic cutting saw, drilling holes, edge banding machine, ornamental engring and milling machine, precision saws.,备案的昊华宇航化工有限责任公司膜法脱硝技术改造项目,项目不属于《产业结构指导目录(2011年本)》(2013年修订)淘汰类和类,准予。
Project name: annual output of 10000 pieces (sets) furniture project. Construction of the main content: the project total construction area of 10252 square meters, including 1 standard workshop building, building area of 8956 square meters, office building auxiliary 1, building area of 1296 square meters. A new solid wood furniture production lines; Technological process: from design to place the order - cutting - type milling and drilling to punch, batch of gray - primer - oil mill to finish to repair the color, packing and warehousing; Major equipment: push Taiwan saw, electronic cutting saw, double-sided planer planer, platoon to drill, edge banding machine, ornamental engring and milling machine, precision saws, etc.,备案办法(2014年修订)》,准予,项目名称:xx天然气有限公司加气站项目建设主要内容:建设LNG/CNG加气站项目,建筑及罩棚面积1200平方米,建设规模:LNG/CNG日加气量各1万方。主要设备有,LNG储罐、低温泵、L-CNG低温高压柱赛泵、储罐增压器、EAG加热器、LNG加注机、CNG加气机、增压器及控制等。加气气源由河南昊华能源有限公司供应。项目前景广阔。。
Project name: annual output of 500000 pieces of jade carving handicraft production line construction project. Construction of the main content: the project construction of main workshop, warehouse and other necessary ancillary facilities, built with annual capacity of 500000 pieces of jade carving handicraft production line, a total construction area of 15000 square meters. Project process as the raw material - material - design - creative - design - drawing - processing - product - show - sales. The main equipment for cutting machine, computer engring machine, polishing machine, electronic engring machine, machine, etc.,项目名称:年回收2000吨电熔砖建设项目,建设主要内容:项目10亩,新建厂房及配套设施1500平方米,工艺技术:原料外购(废旧电熔砖)-拣选-切割-洗磨-组装-成品-包装-入库,加工中,采取水洗,不产生粉尘污染。主要设备:切砖机,洗磨机,包装设备等,项目建成后,市场前景良好。。
项目名称:XX公司生态农业大棚棚顶100MW光伏并网电站变配电区项目建设主要内容:光伏发电项目配套变配电区;建设规模:面积8亩;工艺技术:将35千伏交流电通过变压器升压到110KV,通过送电线路将电能输送至220KV变电站内;主要设备:35KV高压开关柜、35KV高压电缆、110KV升压变压器、综合自动化保护装置。,备案内容如下:一、建设:原阳县阳阿乡北裴寨村东二、建设主要内容:主要建设内容及建设规模:该项目位于原阳县阳阿乡北裴寨村东,东临路,西、南、北邻耕地。为扩大企业规模,该企业在原加油站闲置土地上扩建,不新征土地。扩建加油棚、营业厅、办公区、储油区等,总建设面积3000平方米。工艺技术:储油车运输到加油站,输入储油罐,利用加油机输入用油车内。主要设备:储油罐、加油机。三、建设起止年限:2016年08月至2016年11月四、总投资:280万元,其中:企业自筹280万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。,项目名称:年产4万吨生秸秆固体成型燃料项目。项目内容:总投资16000万元,项目127亩,总建筑面积3万平方米,主要建设内容包括生产车间、成品库、原料库、办公楼、职工宿舍、食堂、车库等工程。工艺技术:小于等于3cm的半成品秸秆→低温碳化→冷却→装袋→成品入库。主要设备:碳化(低温碳化炉)、气体循环、生填充和升降、生物煤收集和冷却等。 企业名称:信阳众森房地产有限公司经核查,你单位申请。
主营行业:工程项目咨询 |
公司主营:工程管理,工程咨询,规划设计,节能评估--> |
主营地区:大陆 |
企业类型:私营有限责任公司 |
注册资金:人民币5000万 |
公司成立时间:2012-05-09 |
员工人数:51 - 100 人 |
研发部门人数:11 - 50 人 |
经营模式:服务型 |
经营期限:1949-01-01 至 2033-01-01 |
最近年检时间:2023年 |
登记机关:郑州市工商行政管理局金水分局 |
经营范围:可行性研究报告、节能报告、能源审计报告、社会稳定风险评估报告、选址论证报告、规划设计等编制、评审服务。 |
是否提供OEM:否 |
公司邮编:450011 |