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项目名称:年产矿用机械设备800套生产线项目。建设主要内容:项目 80 亩,其中厂房建筑面积61025平米,配套设施建筑面积35420平米。 工艺技术:原材料—下料—切割—车—铣—刨—焊接—包装—成品 主要设备:数控车床15台、角磨机15台、钻床14台、数控铣床5台、电器焊接设备6套、数控加工中心4台、桥式起重设备4台。,Project name: annual output of 300000 sets of vacuum tubeless wheel project. The construction main contents: the annual output of 300000 sets of vacuum tubeless wheel projects, covering an area of 35 mu, the construction of factory building, warehouse, office and affiliated facilities such as construction area of 17000 square meters, with steel plate as raw material, adopts the materials, extrusion, stamping, spinning, the welding process of production, such as the main equipment are press, spinning machine, punching machine, drilling machine, lathe and so on, the main products are wheel, wheel, wheel, etc, has a broad market space.资金申请报告主要内容:1、项目单位的基本情况和财务状况;2、项目的基本情况,包括建设背景、建设内容、总投资及资金来源、技术工艺、各项建设条件落况等;3、申请投资补助或贴息资金的主要原因和政策依据;4、项目内容(适用于申请投资补助或贴息资金500万元及以上的投资项目);5、发展改革委要求提供的其他内容。已经发展改革委审批或核准的投资项目,其资金申请报告的内容可适当简化,论述申请投资补助或贴息资金的主要原因和政策依据。。

项目名称:年产1900台智能控制设备生产基地项目,建设主要内容:自有土地新建科研实验楼,面积835㎡,建筑面积15000平方米,其中地下面积1800平方米。工艺技术:采购-仓库-装配-整机试验-成品。主要设备:铜排折弯机,铜排钻孔机,电动扳手,线号机,压线钳,示波器,万用表等。企业名称:漯河市农易通置业有限公司经核查,你单位申请,Project name: annual output of 7500 tons of magnesium alloy sheet project. The project content: the total investment of 145 million yuan, the project construction is carried out within the original site, building area of 38600 square meters. The main construction production workshop, storage centers and other facilities. Technology: the magnesium ingot - alloy - rolling to shear to inspection, packaging, warehousing. Major equipment: magnesium alloy rolling machine, finishing mill, roll grinding machine, straightening shear production line for liquid system, testing equipment, heating furnace, etc.。

备案内容如下:一、建设:伊川县产业集聚区东园二、建设主要内容:项目在原厂址进行,新建一栋钢结构生产车间7500平方米及相关配套设施。主要设备:打弯机4台、双模骨架机2台、卡槽机2台;工艺流程:外购钢材-原材料入厂检验-机加成型-检验在制品-镀锌-检验成品-入库三、建设起止年限:2016年08月至2017年02月四、总投资:4600万元,其中:企业自筹4600万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。,Project name: annual output of 2500 tons of spiral paper tube construction project. Construction main content: the project use workshop, workshop and auxiliary facilities of office area of 3800 square meters, technology, raw materials purchased (large volume base paper) - cutting - with shelves, glue, paper roll of spiral paper tube, drying, surface treatment, fine cut - baling - products, major equipment: cutting machine, paper shelf, gluing machine, roll machine, surface treatment machine, cutting machine, etc, the item product market demand is big, good prospects.,备案确认书文号:豫安文峰区[2010]00008号)。由于项目建设名称发生变化,对该项目予以重新。







Business Model



Project name: 1000 mu walnut oil and use the peony y the project, the construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 1000 mu, the main 1000 mu of selenium-rich zinc rich walnut oil and interplanting with peony. Technology: seed selection, planting, field management, harvest - sales. The main equipment are: transportation vehicles, excators, weeding machine, spray insecticide instruments, etc. With an annual output of 200 tons of walnuts, after the completion of the project with peony seed 150 tons of oil, will lead to the local employment of more than 200 people. Adjusting the planting structure and improving the ecological environment, the project prospect.,项目名称:屋面太阳能光伏并网电站项目建设主要内容:本项目建设在1#研发楼和服务楼屋顶上,可利用面积3300m2,其中研发楼装机容量为194.4KW,服务楼装机容量为135.2KW,总装机容量为331.2KW。采用的热镀锌屋面光伏支架,选用由高透光率的钢化玻璃和电池做成的晶体硅光伏组件以及转换达96.5%的光伏并网逆变器化的光伏电站的发电效率。本项目总投资262.6万元。本项目按照25年运行周期计算可实现总发电量11746049KWh,按照电站所发电量自发自用计算,平均年收入为21.997万元,总收入为548.6752万元。备案内容如下:一、建设:商城县鄢岗镇砂岗村二、建设主要内容:租赁、流转荒山荒地农田1500余亩,租赁水库、塘堰50余亩。现已发展崔楼香菇种植基地,香菇大棚40座;中药材(包括苍术、射干、柴胡、木瓜等)种植基地500多亩;苗木(包括国槐、百日红、红叶石楠、栾树、香樟、桂花、紫薇等)种植基地300多亩;粮油种植基地600多亩,合作种植100多户、合作养殖(主要养殖土鸡、麻鸭、生猪和鱼类)80多户。三、建设起止年限:2016年07月至2017年12月四、总投资:11000万元,其中:企业自筹8000万元,国内3000万元,其它资金0万元。企业名称:郑州东方大运供应链有限公司经核查,你单位申请。

备案。,Project name: the annual output of 950000 pieces of clothing construction project, the construction of the main content: the project use the original land of 7948.93 square meters, the proposed construction of annual output of 950000 pieces of clothing production line. Main process: raw materials, tailoring, mechanic, locking, clear cut, ironing, packing. Main equipments: flat sewing machine, ironing table, round eyes, a quarter machine and the nailcatcher machine, line cutting machine, etc.。

项目名称:工业机器人应用及设备改造升级项目建设主要内容:自有厂区面积1370亩,本项目涉及建筑面积为92万平方米,包括两器分厂、总装分厂、控制器分厂、和物流部。工艺技术:设备申购申请-可行性分析报告-设备规划-设备技术要求-设备申购审核-采购-到货开箱、调试-正式启用-验收。主要设备:内、外机成品自动检漏机、无铅回流焊机、机器人( MS165)、自动套箱贴码机组、高密度径向元件插件机等。,项目名称:年生产6000吨陶粒砂项目,建设主要内容:项目主要建设内容:该项目主要利用原有厂房建设,2条生产线。建设规模:年产6000吨 工艺流程:原料(外购熟料)—破碎—电解喷吹—筛分—成品。 主要设备:鄂式破碎机、电弧炉、空压机、风机、振动筛。,Project name: annual output of 30000 sets of steel and wood furniture project. Construction of the main content: the project plan covers an area of 3.5 mu, construction of factory building and the building area of 1200 square meters, annual production 30000 sets of steel and wood furniture. Production process: : outsourcing steel, cutting, punching processing, polishing, finished. Major equipment: shearing machine, punching machine, WB67Y40 press, bending machine, welding machine, etc., products are mainly supply various furniture market.。



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